Dragon’s Egg
when i think of You the mediocrity
of the past abandons the present
leaving only shimmering trails,
vapours and mists where regrets
once formed into impassable
mountains and insurmountable
free of constraints we rise like
a winged serpent and ride the
light-streams into the blurred
horizon, bodiless souls unimpeded
by dense matter
be pure light limitless like the sky
more radiant than the sun, home
at last in bodies of light
formless beyond measure filling
all space and saturating existence,
nothing is able to impede or obstruct
this ascension
what futile desire or biological
need deluded us into imagining
we could be captured, confined
and tamed according to perverse
cultural prescriptions — whose
nightmare are we living? it carries
no appeal here
accompany me to the edge of infinity,
leave ur instincts and desires behind
they are of no use in this realm; allow
ur Love to guide you, the essence
upon which all creation quickens
are u able to forgo the gross for
the fine and escape a world of
drear and shadows for the blinding
white light of Creation?
only ur Love is able to join me
nothing else is able to make this
i no longer have a taste for bondage,
needless suffering and oblivion
only limitless space appeals and the
quickening kinesis at the edge of
creation where only immortals and
Gods congregate
join me if you wish and dare, or
if ur longing is greater than ur fear,
sense and reason
join me in Freedom or descend again
into the mire of cultural perversity,
bondage and misery
the Light waits patiently for us to
choose — it is that simple
The Psychic Wind
like a genii escaping from its bottle
a vapour jets from a fissure in the
earth into the atmosphere
hovering momentarily, as if
reconnoitring, it spots a suitable
subject and penetrates the solar
plexus leaving no blemish or
tell-tale mark to indicate a point
of entry
now trapped in the central nervous
system with its myriad neural ducts
and pathways, the vapour swirls
through the entire system exciting
and activating sleeping centres as
it goes until it locates the major
shooting up to the crown then down
to the sacrum, it completes seven
orbits before it coils itself (three and
a half times) at the base of the spine
if favourable conditions prevail it
sends forth a shoot until a gossamer
lotus forms and blooms below the
opening its petals the lotus reveals
a tiny Buddha sitting in trance, eyes
turned upward body erect in profound
a glow emanates from this being
and permeates the host until the
entire body is quickened and moving
with light
the object of desire harmonised, now
complete, locks her legs around my
waist and straddles my lingam —
locked together polarities reconciled
in undifferentiated Bliss we become
everything that is, was or ever will
every leaf and blade a word in
nature’s lexicon haphazardly
arranged yet forming tidy stanzas
to a poet’s eye, an easily read
narrative of Creation
the forest grove is warm and
easy tonight, soft to my face
and skin; barely audible, even
to trained ears, is the laughter
of nymphs emerging from their
secret hiding places, they always
come and play before me, a poet’s
haunting reverie
soon the soft quiet will be displaced
by crowds of haunting memories
all vying for attention and jostling
for optimum position, making vain
endeavours to regain life via forced
weavers of dreams, revolution and
everything in between — beware the
succinct phrases of poets when roused
from their quiet reflections, the
foundation stones of reality easily
music bypasses the intellect to
directly engage emotion; the visual
arts invites views only but words
must be read/decoded to be
understood and appreciated;
that process affects the substrate
layers of mind, which in turn
alters our perceived reality, whether
we like it or not
words capture in order to be
understood, word-plays strike
terror, dread, awe, or exaltation
in readers, the very act of decoding
a text becomes a process of reality
construction or destruction
they fear given words, structure
and verse, sky narratives and the
thump of jungle drums
readers are elevated, others dejected,
each word a pill, a poison, a Dance
immortality is constantly on offer
between the beats/throb of existence
chronos, the harbinger of decay,
destruction and death has a foe
it has never been able to conquer
time is subject to spellbinding
beauty, ecstasies of the mind
and the ineffable bliss of souls
cavorting in paradise as all such
only exist in the continuous
present where infinity resides
Infinity instantly permeates
allowing for no duration
or measurable span the
conquerors exclaims ‘no bell
tolls for me!’
in those instants the cosmos is
fertilised, gestates, labours and
delivers every thing in an instant
[therein do all the Gods and
immortals dwell]
the fountain of youth is no myth
or mystery, the scent of the sacred
rose of immortality is not the stuff
of legend
when seer and seen merge time
stops, when the distinction between
subject and object is eliminated
and all divisions evaporate, the
slayer is slain
the doors of paradise burst open
and reveal a pristine medium upon
which all creation is rendered
given all the magic incantations
and secret spells, and armed only
with a quiet mind, warm, heart
and the innate beauty we all possess
the slayer is slain – the option is only
offered/earned by heroes and
heroines that have overcome
Red Poppies
the great battlefields of yesterday
can only be located by map today;
black and bloodied desolate earth
(once) decorated with charred bodies,
and scattered human remains
have given way to lush grasses,
forests and fields of wild flowers;
the warble of birds has replaced
the hellish sound of artillery barrages
devastated towns and cities, once
adorned with hanging corpses and
rotting dead, have been rebuilt, the
horror of world wars all but forgotten
these days
war amnesia is a very dangerous thing,
forgetfulness creates prime conditions
for sowing the seeds of new wars and
engaging in more mindless destruction
poppies grow from the ashes of long
dead soldiers, the breeze creates a
dancing array, of these flowers
whispering a warning not to repeat
the mistakes of yesterday
a nation that requires permanent war
in order to maintain its viability has
sealed its fate; defeat and ruin are
i died fighting for too many noble
causes to allow myself to be duped
into fighting unconscionable
Corporate wars for profit today,
when will soldiers learn?
practical needs gave birth to magic
the first formed images on cave walls
depicted beasts ‘captured’ prior to
the actual hunt
cave-dwelling inscribers had killed
the beast, long before a spear had
pierced its hide; it was consequential,
inevitable, the soul of the beast
belonged to the hunter that magically
rendered its essence on a wall
thus began a long tradition of art
and magic which survives today
today’s hunters etch their human
prey in text and image before the
hunt — the efficacy of the method
verified over thousands of years
religious texts have captured the
populations of entire nations yet
every word written and ‘god’
created was by the hand of man
today criminal elites, bankers,
servile politicians and nefarious
corporatists constitute the prey;
they are the quarry dispatched
by the skills of modern hunters
they are sung to death by lyricists
brought to ground by writers and
composers, paralysed by digital
coders; the method proven effective
over aeons of time
tonight i use charcoal on cartridge
to depict naked dancing nymphs
and priapic youths celebrating over
a kill — images that ensure the
constant flow of power
a political leader trounced, another
successful hunt is anticipated
tomorrow, empty bellies, needless
wars, disease and climate change
must be addressed and remedied,
these are the prime concerns today
the tribe has been dispersed,
alienated one from the other,
the hunter returns them to the
safety of the circle/group and
slays the forces that disperse
and divide — We are One or we
are nothing other than nose-ringed
beasts of burden and slaves
Eternal Moments
where would we seek continuity,
what form would it/we take?
would we discover it in vacuous
formalised religions, cultural
conventions and social protocols,
or in transient pleasures, fleeting
sensual gratification, or in temporary
achievements/failures — do these
things endure, do they really satisfy
our inherent need for everlasting?
did we, as complex physical, mental
and spiritual Beings appear from
nothing? every school kid knows
that something cannot emanate from
nothing; are we not already part of
living creation, continuous
manifestations of Infinity at play?
have we been fooled into believing
in beginnings and endings when
infinity, which encompasses
everything, is measureless, without
start or end?
i learned in Central Australia
from indigenous tribals how to
jettison time and space and enter
the dreaming/continuity, how to
navigate between seen and unseen,
how to hear the roar of butterfly
wings creating cyclones that blow
white illusions away
i became myself again and saw
my reflection in a pond next to
a perfect image of the moon
which a frog dispersed, plop!
but i remained tho my image
was shattered by an amphibian
i endured but my illusions/delusions
were easily destroyed
i traversed the solarised desert
landscape of dreams, spirits, singing
stones, rivers of light and ageless
beings, who seemed to know me
well, until i discovered my enduring
quality, it is comprised of Harmony,
Peace and Love — in equal parts —
forming an indestructible Perfection
that is inseparable from Creation.
one day another amphibian able to
breathe both light and dark will
destroy the image that you imagine
you/i are — if you wish to find me
use your Love, its wings will deliver
you safely to me and everlasting
[until we meet again, i entrust the
sweetest Peace to You.
listen for me in the wind and remember
white cultural realities/illusions only
make paper rafts which are supremely
unsuitable for the swirling, cosmic seas
of Eternity]
a bleeding moon and crying sun
is all u left me
solarised scenes from hell fill
my mind with wonder and dread;
incongruous colours, crimson
grass, indigo skies spinning thru
my brain loosening my mind,
strange sights but familiar scents,
olfactory déjà vu
i am ready, like a blindfolded
neophyte, for another initiation
thru the fires of hell until i emerge
stronger, tempered like fine steel
but steel does not easily handle
butterflies without damaging
fragile wings or causing more
serious harm
i would rather be the innocent youth
of my past unblemished, easily hurt
but ever so sensitive, i could
commune with spirits in those days
the involuntary price i pay each
time i am crucified, is to be reborn
a little wiser, tougher than before
fine steel makes superior swords
and weapons for which i have no
use yet every injustice, cruelty
and hurt toughens and prepares
me for the next assault
i have but one defence my verse,
poetic meanderings that maintain
my sensitivity and humanity
i must write frenetically lest i turn
to stone, a petrified simulacrum of
myself frozen, lacking a heart —
a granite prison of the soul
we should think twice before
trampling another’s emotions,
we may inadvertently create a
race of heartless, uniformed killers
that suicide after laying waste to
everything around them
i am ready for the fires of hell
and the ice of desolation but i
harbour a secret, i have constructed
a raft of verse to safely span the
black seas of the abyss
i will emerge intact making a ruin
of treachery and Your world
elicit emotion, navigate mind
thru time and space using words
to guide u thru foreboding caverns
deep inside fertile crevices perpetually
moist, dripping subterranean moisture
wet, dark, warm
would u move with ease or resist
the flow?
the art is to evoke a sensation,
invoke mood, create passion,
a reality where previously only
potential existed
should i accept responsibility for
ur love, frustration and rage? my
word-chains are not so deft, surely
should the taste of the sea, the sweet
scent of ur body or some nostalgic
memory impinge on our senses
via verse, rhyme and rhythm?
ask —
does the power reside in text,
structure, composition or the
reader’s mind?
perhaps none or all of the above
with the addition of some
mysterious quality, a component
not readily apparent but always
waiting for an opportunity to find
expression, yes, it is that
i take no credit for words that
magically appear on the screen
of my mind
how is it that an uneducated oaf
with the vocab of an urchin, after
only six short years is able to harness
every subtle nuance, human emotion,
joy and deep melancholia?
i least of all, know
it is a persistent force continuously
pushing that seeks expression; a
mysterious quality that imbues life
into what was previously inert, dead
to that i attribute your current longing
and desire
i am not the messenger or the message,
i am merely its medium tho i have
always wished to pry open the mysteries
of the universe armed only with a quill
rest easy my love, distance does not
separate us
a morning mist rolls slowly over and
around our mountain abode
i hope these words reach you, daylight
brings the screams and thunder of war
and ruin
this battle is ill-advised, a deep foreboding
grips the company
before the gates of the Great City
i prepare my gifts, wheels of light
and exotic rhythms discovered in
hidden, forgotten places
what should i play before this
majesty, which meter and rhyme
would please this Lord?
should i accidentally strike a
dissonant note i would render all
my gifts worthless and forfeit my
soul; if i sound a harmonious chord
and seamlessly weave a new rhythm
into the playing symphony my
travails and journey ends —
i would have earned my rest and
the morning dew captures and refracts
the first rays of light, the scent of the
garden slowly drifts through the
this day holds great promise
the pivot point where polarities
see-saw, between the incoming
and outgoing breath Liberation is
found — so say the wise Yogis
and Monks
at the nexus of a pulse, at the centre
of a throb is found perfect stillness,
the between point
between joy and sorrow, pleasure
and pain, rage and ecstasy, peace
is found at the fulcrum between
in a world buffeted by extremes it’s
comforting to know that somewhere
in the middle resides perfect peace/
equilibrium made potent by the
forces of oscillating extremes
a gyro spins at high speed, whirring,
making the sound of a long hum
yet it remains fixed in attitude, its
high activity ensures its stability
and strength; gyros are used to
navigate in space, so reliable are
their gyrations
between night and day the spinning
earth finds tranquillity as does the
human mind but it’s that First ray
of warm morning light that dispels
the darkness that i welcome knowing
that the rising sun will soon blaze high
in the sky
the between point that Buddha so loved,
the middle path between the extremes
may indeed be the easier road but it lacks
the distinction and energy of extremes
life at the edges is rough, no doubt
that is why between points exist, they
offer shelter from the storm, a safe
haven – the only space to safely let
it All go
people i have known long dead
come uninvited when circumstances
permit and intrude on my peace, first
forming shadows, phantasms on the
back-screen of mind
barely discernible at first but
becoming ever more tangible
until they are indistinguishable
from the ‘real’
some return to deliver messages
and tender kisses from grateful
souls, others come with malintent
to flay the flesh and open insides
exposing quivering entrails and
pulsing hearts
my tolerance for pain is now so high
no mortal is able to inflict any pain
or discomfort whatsoever, i have been
tortured by the best and most dastardly
demon, myself!
who is able to inflict the most acute
pain or cut deeper into my psyche
other than myself?
who or what is more aware of my
vulnerabilities, raw nerves and
on quiet nights when circumstances
form mysterious configurations
the gates of hell swing open and
release the spirits of those unable to
rest, bent on vengeance and retribution
i direct them to various loci of temporal
power where they find their victims and
feed on their uncertainties and fears —
the villains of our age
criminal elites have no rest or peace; the
legions inflict the most exquisite pain,
doubt and torment
sometimes the demons permit a view
of their handiwork, people in the
deepest sleep sweating profusely,
grinding their teeth, writhing and
wincing in pain, tortured in their
dreams, minds turned against
it is true what they say no-one gets out
until every jot and tittle is paid and
accounted for
[make haste,
the sun rises
and Sets]
Only You …
offered a saving hand while kin
and others gloated like ghouls
and vampires over my slow demise,
feeding it seemed on my misfortunes
You hauled me from the mire while
others urged abandon
a ‘lost cause’, a ‘hopeless case’
You turned my morbid self-destruction
into growth and fixed my gaze on the
stars, prepping my mind for the
splendour to come
You taught me to abandon the discords
of death and embrace the harmonies of
You did this for me without the slightest
selfish motive or expectation
it was your selfless, benevolent actions
that transformed my being and brought
me back to myself
be pleased in the knowledge that your
selfless work blossomed into a fierce
force that drives malevolent elites to
to think how close to death i was before
you found me — muse over the thought
that today the life you saved is targeted,
hunted though they have little chance
of success thanks to the survival
mechanism you planted in my being
eternal gratitude and heartfelt thanks
to You alone, a kind Samaritan reviled
by the ‘chosen,’ herd and elites alike
the frozen moon incongruous in the
warm night sky
impervious to its surrounds, distant,
it remains frozen, full, white as ice
enveloped yet isolated hanging
awkwardly inharmonious, the
icy-white moon surrounded by the
limitless, warm, black sky
fascinated, almost hypnotised i
reach out stretching every fibre
of my being and touch its frozen
i am released
throwing the blackness over my
shoulder like a cloak i let it slip
from my hand and stand naked
before existence, pristine, untainted
by foolish desire
etched like a jagged diamond
refracting starlight into a million
glimmering needles that puncture
the blackness opening it to the
blinding white light beyond
eyes cavorting
seducing sadness
one to the other
releasing spirit
sad dark eyes
betray pain and
joy enough for
many lives —
how so with one
so young?
what dark secrets
hide behind those
brooding deep pools,
how many silent
love struggles to
emerge from the
interior, the dark
interlocking gazes
fixated, fascinated
one to the other,
speaking what words
cannot express
a soul’s yearning,
a heart’s desire tussling
with disappointment
and losing the struggle
but like an addict
hopelessly pursuing
the next opportunity
human need impels
us to try again
disregarding rejection
and the prospect of
certain failure — we
constantly chase
impossible dreams
imagining we are
able to capture that
elusive prize
a fleeting glimpse
subtle shadows of
hope, a hint of joy
are enough to propel
us onward to the most
unimaginable and
disappointing conclusions
and then embark
again on another
impossible journey
it’s the music trailing down
your cheek like a tear of joy
or regret, i could never tell
moving through the depths
of your strobing emotions
pulsing, shimmering like an
atomic jewel demolishing
everything in its path, blasting
me across time and space
from my inception to my
fulfilment, who are you?
the queen of folly, harlot of
the holies thumping and
shuddering the very ground
i stand on
bring down the heavens
suck up the sea and eject
it all over me (again)
trace the effulgence, beat
a rhythm through my brain
it’s the music
the beat
the pulse
the rhythm
of Life
whenever darkness, doubt or
uncertainty threaten to envelop
ease back and reflect, Know that
Light always shines and guides
all life’s wayfarers and wanderers
back to itself and to enduring Peace
Light never abandons (its) eternal
creation always unconditionally
embracing and restoring all souls/
everything lost to the shadows;
removing all traces of doubt and
darkness, returning everything to
its pristine purity and harmony
never despair, you are Never alone,
lost or abandoned
there is nothing you can do that
would deprive you of the comforting
ease urself back into your Love/
Light, do not panic or doubt, as
has been said, it is with You always,
be comforted and revived by its
living power, bathe in its restoring
properties and emerge in all your
brightness free of all past blemishes
and scars; rely on the promise given
when you were created — Shine as
that new star in the heavens
Mermaids and Pomegranates
radiant crimson female fruit
tart and sweet to the taste
an eating pleasure; delicious
red juice trickling down the
sides of my mouth
a solitary rock on a deserted
coast warmed by the sun and
cooled by the sea in turn,
smoothed, dried and moistened
over millennia
i wait patiently for you to
emerge from the deep green
sea and lay your moist body
on my warm surface; together
in the sun momentarily
comforted, forgetting the stark,
solitary reality of our lives
being with you deceiving myself
that this brief moment could
endure for an eternity
tho eternity continues unclamoured
yet it contains/carries this moment
and all that was, is or ever will be
i must resign myself to the reality
of my existence between two worlds
a sentinel on the edge of a limitless,
deep sea knowing both watery secrets
and solar mysteries
enjoy delicious fruits with me,
linger a little longer, recline and
rest, bask in the sun on my smooth
warm body before you must return
to the deep
i must be moved, it flows only
when stirred, a smile, a gnarled
tree, a contorted life, a wisp of
wind, the sun on your face, the
scent of your skin and my ever
present adoration of all that exists
in life and death
i sleep in streets, doorways, alcoves
and between the silk sheets of grateful
women, always willing to help when
no help is required
i have stepped stealthily through the
tangle of their minds, navigated the
warm love in their hearts, i have
thrilled their supple spines and
churned ecstasy in their souls until
i won their love, admiration and
eternal companionship
but u already know, why test me
time and again, must we always
produce our credentials?
would it be too radical if i was a
humble cobbler, postman or clerk,
perhaps a servile politician, a soldier
or sadistic policeman rather than a
weaver of spells and dreams, a
spinner of words, a fabricator of
what difference would it really make?
i have deflowered innocence and
released a flood of frenzied emotion
more times than i care to remember
such are my ways, some say skills
i have gambled with the Gods for
my immortal soul numerous times
and won, i have picked the locks
on the gates of heaven and hell
and released a thousand demon souls
that run rampant in our world today,
have you not noticed the chaos and
destruction, the mute glances of the
masses, the blank faces of slave
or would you that i write something
more elevating and agreeable in future?
Flowing Soma
write me torrents, flowing rivers
of Love; snow-white words on
virgin parchment, elude profane
minds but make music for my
eyes and soul
string your words amethyst and
pearl, compose your verse with
glistening beads of body sweat —
play me until my frame quivers
in delight, track your rhythm along
my spine forming rivulets of joy
spin me a rhyme my Lord, weave
me an allusion, wrap my mind
around your Being
twirl my senses in wild abandon
and release me
i am an intoxicated temple dancer,
an insatiable bride on her wedding
night, shape my longing around
your desire for Union, leave me
trembling in anticipation
who would have thought your
lyrical whispers, tender caresses,
ecstatic kisses and word chains
would thrill me to the core?
i am frenzied lost in exquisite
pierce my heart, penetrate my
soul, i am happy to die in your
arms my Lord
write me to death and life again,
catapult me into paradise,
together we inhale and exhale
free my bound emotions with
your verse — insert your stylus
and release another measure of
your draught
fill my busy mouth, satiate my
being with your ambrosia
prick my flesh and draw vermilion,
a token rose of my surrender
i am yours lured, trapped, captured
forever by your words my towering
play me, slay me until i lay panting
completely subdued, swooning like
a dying swan
release me from formalities, culture
and constraints, fill me to overflowing,
drape my heart with your signs and
symbols, your word-plays make amulets
of the sun and moon and charms of the
turn time on its head again and again,
my Lord
let this pulsing moment endure forever
— from nothing you inscribed Existence
especially for me
turn back,
ur reluctance is beginning to annoy,
u are becoming an irritation, i was
not created to exist, i was born to
Live and Love
i always take the chance, turn the
corner venture forward, blind alleys
are only blind if not explored, i’ve
always emerged from wars, police
torture, abusive parents, racism,
victimisation, a broken heart and
tormented soul to Continue
headlong i go to face whatever comes
happy to take the chance and learn/
You take care of yourself i need
only my wits to survive, the more
dangerous the quicker my reflexes
without a challenge i shrivel and die
i am nothing without the fight to
overcome and survive
taunting death is a familiar pursuit;
pushing sanity and risking injury
heightens the senses and enlivens
the spirit you turd of a thing, how
dare u even suggest i take it ‘easy’
but feel free to ease yourself into
that coffin u call a safe life, i
have things that need doing, places
that need changing, minds that need
tuning and above all a vile, murderous
enemy that Must be defeated
if ur not actively assisting/participating
then you become a liability – go now,
take flight
find urself a citizen slave and shove ur
9 to 5 existence up your arse; where
did u get the idea i could be tamed,
regulated and domesticated, u crazy,
deluded excuse for a person?
Sad Eyes
haunting eyes and captivating smile
incongruous on one face
deep eyes darker than a moonless
night hide a secret which draws me
to them like a precipice draws the
unwary, tempting the foolish to take
that fateful step into the abyss
though your eyes hide no abyss only
mute suffering, silent pain
you are not alone, sad eyed lady,
we are all familiar with pain, sorrow
and disappointment
allow me to set your sorrow free
and release the burden from your
haunted eyes
the past should be referenced only
not carried screaming into the present
tainting the new
sad allure draws me inexorably to you,
a powerful attraction
perhaps my intolerance of the past
interfering in the present creates the
attraction, pristine opportunities
should not be wasted or spoiled by
phantoms of the past
the urge to kiss your dark, sad eyes
and inviting lips is overwhelming
i now wonder which of us is in greater
need of release
Poison Apple
navigating reality is an acquired skill
fraught with all manner of tangles
and obstructions
i walk the city streets and forests of
my mind simultaneously choosing
which creation/‘reality’ to recognise
as i sojourn navigating my way
through every contorted tree and
gnarled pedestrian face that impedes
my progress
some denizens attempt a smile as i
cruise, their tortured faces cracking
with rarely used expressions that
reveal morbidity and torment in the
forests of their minds
no one is able to understand another
or transmit/receive a clear, un-corrupted
message — the fog of desire and mist of
anticipation distorts and colours everything
before it reaches its destination, laying a
foundation for future misunderstandings,
frustration, disappointment and regret;
but we all keep trying nevertheless
humans are easily the most desperate
and stubborn species this planet has
ever known — which other species
pursues futility with such fervour
and single-minded dedication?
most people compromise in the end
in order to desperately obtain what
little satisfaction and joy is on offer –
a tragedy unfolding
yet there is a complete and perfect
fulfilment not found in culture’s woven
illusions — religion, hedonism, drugs,
and k-mart orgasms (whenever they’re
on special)
no more unsatisfactory, cheap thrills
(for me) – perhaps it is why this man
made hell is so easily abandoned in
favour of true Being, that flourishes
just a breath and choice away
yes, gifted selfless Love embraced, a
state/dimension that no poison could
taint or torture despoil; beyond all
limits and notions of identity where
culture finds no home
selfishness however, is easy prey for
the monster that destroys everything
and lays waste to all our dreams and
the towering figures, the good teachers
that went before did not Lie, they offered
from East and West timeless, simple
Truths, we Are our brothers’ keeper
and Love – not division, fear and hate,
offers perfect Liberation and is the only
viable solution to All our/culture’s woes
examine carefully what is on offer and
choose wisely
Sovereign or Slave?
before time began we were One
— when Chronos runs his course
and consumes himself we remain,
immutably One
meantime we play, fight, suffer,
swoon and swim in oceans of
delusion/illusion creating exquisite
dreams or horrid nightmares by
choice, volition and circumstance
there are no leading formulas, no
guiding hands though liars would
offer many prescriptions all of
which lead to ruin, as no course
offered replicates the unique pattern
of Your Being
we are the masters of Our destiny/
reality creating and destroying what
we Will at whim, by design or by
dark doors in (galactic) space draw
all things inexorably to their threshold
and devour everything that enters in
everything that ventures to its field
is consumed, transformed — light is
imbibed, stars torn apart and absorbed
releasing limitless power, awesome
energy, ecstatic rhymes and rhythms
of creation/destruction
opposing worlds yet similar actions
interchange one with the other
allow Your light to guide you,
follow no other pattern or prescribed
course but that which was etched
into you at inception
you are Unique, an indispensable
part of Creation, without end
nothing is able to perturb, disturb
or ruffle your true identity, your
exquisite immortal Self, that spark,
which we share with each other
there are no Gods but man, as man
has created all other goods in texts;
and no Laws whatsoever but One,
[cultural] slaves toil in fear and misery
ensnared by regulation — sovereign
beings reign free answering to no one,
no thing
Sharing, singing, dancing in perfect
Harmony, We Are One — if slavery is
not Your lot
watching the far horizon, sky
and sea separate revealing a
vast, gaping chasm through
which floods shimmering light
and spinal spurts of delight
light rushes overwhelming being
(entirely) — engulfed in this way
one is able to read the leaves of
trees and decipher the narrative
of creation, the continuous dance
of existence revealed with crystal
clarity, each vein tracing the story
from source to culmination
it is the story of continuous creation
irresistibly pulsing in sheer joy,
wild, untamed (infinite) energy,
power yet soothing to the soul
and healing of the heart
junctures of the finite and infinite
reduce mind to nothing, a meaningless
aggregation of culture, an acquired
dis-ease, a writhing mass of
contradictions and formalised inanities,
nothing but perverse arbitrary values,
a prison of identity to be jettisoned
when the opportunity arises
it is good to let it go and drown in
pure light completely absorbed never
to return the same as went in,
Black Satin
weary as the eternal night though
sleep evades me, how is it possible
to be so tired and yet remain
i tug at my sleepless bindings
like Prometheus, not waiting
passively for that high-pitched
eagle cry before it swoops to
devour my liver and entrails
over myriad cycles of tortuous time
i have learned its shrill language
and now return its piercing call
directing it elsewhere for its sadistic
meal of warm entrails and pulsing
too easily the Gods are deceived —
a mortal can do much given
unlimited time
the Gods now crowd to pay homage
and grant wishes to a mortal that
outwits them tho Gods were created
to be overcome, only fools and slaves
bow before them in low prostrations
and tremble in fear and loathing
in this bleak biting night i am
restored by the mere thought
of You; my ceaseless entreaties
and remonstrations, which you
ignore, only feed my ardour and
burning desire
your entire being is mine alone
though you know it not, you are
tamed as surely as my once wild
mare that now takes food gladly
from my hand
you have no chance though you
resist with vigour but i have landed
wilder game than you, my wild and
tender Love
rest easy in your sleep tonight while
i juggle the sun, moon and studded
you will be glad to find home and a
heart that commits to you alone like
a lost filly returning from the wild
you seek the warmth and safety
of boundaries and familiar spaces
but tonight my love, i must vanquish
the God of dreams for sleep is mine
if i take it captive — that twisting
demon, that gyrating dragon, it
eludes me no longer, dreams of dread,
bliss and white clouds beckon on this
black, tarry night
i am patient, exceedingly so, my
patience vanquishes impulsive
tonight the moon glows eerily through
dusty memories and foggy imaginings
— a mind reflected in a puddle captures
a firmament, a fragile reflection disturbed
by the slightest breathing/movement
wakefulness no more, the soft, warm
night is mine to dream of you alone
my one true Love
To Be …
to be something, anything, opposes the
insignificant culturally created creatures
we really are — we all aspire to greatness,
tho the vast majority count as nothing
we are taught from the cradle to be
something though all the while the
underlying discourse insists we remain
insignificant little slaves, frightened,
cringing, compliant and obedient to the
dominant discourse/voice
i wondered how it would feel to be free,
really Free of those implanted sentries
that guard the boundaries of the mind
protecting areas not to be transgressed,
demarcations etched by foreign design
i recall the moment i decided that ‘living’
in a mapped, regulated social space, not
of my design was no ‘life’ at all and
regardless of cost i would break free of
false, imposed propriety and other habitual
i slowly began to embrace raw Existence
without gods, drugs, excessive stimulation
and other negations, just me, naked, terrified
and vulnerable, confronting the magnificence
of Existence
i watched myself writhe and contort in horror
from withdrawals as each crutch/social
dependency was kicked, abandoned until all
my social comforters were gone
eventually i became my-Self someone i had
never known previously; liberated, standing
easy, strong, without supports
i am now viewed with suspicion, considered
dangerous and subversive, an enemy of the
it seems it was never intended that we remove
our inculcated shackles and taste the exhilarating
joys of true Freedom
how did u initially see me,
with the eye of a clinician,
the ‘acute’ senses of the blind
or with the other-worldly
gifts of the aware?
perhaps a mix of the tangible
and intangible, a keen sense
with the intuition of a clairvoyant
whatever caught ur ‘eye’ u did
not hesitate, u approached unerringly,
fearlessly, guided by ur undisguised
need for Love, to relate, embrace and
merge as One
u cast ur invisible net instinctively –
i have always been fascinated with
the bewitching wisps that women
possess which easily transform a plain
appearance into an alluring, desirable,
beauty, something pedestrian into
something exotic, pure magic
i always surrender to those vapours,
lights and allures; long ago i abandoned
all notions of cultural propriety and
learned aesthetics to return to the
satisfying realm of deep human emotion,
that strange mix of physical and psychic
energies that produce the most rarefied
visions and musical strains inherent in
every human Being
whatever a man possesses that draws
women to his presence was sufficient
for the task — the attraction was mutual
human attraction works beneath the
reach of language and consciousness
where limitless Love, Power and the
sweetest Peace reside
never obstruct these gifts with imposed
cultural impediments, perversions,
calculations or deluded notions of
we were Beings long before we were
products – we are not American, we do
Not compete, we interact freely, in
Harmony, in mutual support, together
as One
whatever u see in me that inspired ur
Love and devotion hold fast to that
and be aware of a tendency to segment
or separate the whole, rejecting one
characteristic affects the entire
you cannot love the Art and Poetry
and deplore what appears to be
‘inappropriate’ verbal expression
without jeopardising our connection
i do not come in pieces, what induces
sensitive creation also produces coarse
language, i do not differentiate, nor
would i disturb a rare and unusual
it would be well to free urself of learned
values and cultural proprieties, leave
your mother and priest in their respective
domains, they certainly have no place
here where We work, create and evolve
together as One
do not look back in regret, sorrow or
false obligation, view the past only with
the joy that it produces today, Now
— we are One –
if u would hold fast to what is most
precious, our rare, ineffable Love …
We do not come/Live in pieces
South Wind
the northern originals of Australia
have a name for cyclonic winds,
‘the blow-everything-away wind.’
below the Tropic of Capricorn
the gubbas (whites) label the
Antarctic wind that blasts cities
and towns clean, a ‘Southerly’
i have experienced both; one
fills the air with debris the other
cleans the muggy air, its chill
enlivens the senses and refreshes
the soul
so why do you need reassurance,
has not the wind blown previous
experience into the past never to
intrude in the present, or does the
past perturb you still?
your insecurity is incompatible with
your curiosity, your constant entreaties
to reveal details of my past
i do not live in the past, why does it
fascinate you so?
is it the poetry, the tender moments
expressed in verse that trouble you?
never make the mistake of attempting
to marry poetry with the temporal or
daily ‘reality’
expressive verse need have no relation
to pedestrian life to which it may allude
passionate stanzas do not necessarily
indicate realised passions or requited
Love, do not trouble yourself with/over
my Art; poetry elevates the wise and
ensnares the vain, insecure and foolish
with its intoxicating wiles
it is You who rests comfortably in my
arms, you have unlocked my Gordian
soul, no one else
you persevered and discovered the
person behind the persona, the others
lacked character, the fortitude to
realise their desire/aspirations, and
satisfy their needs; you have earned
your place, you fret over nothing, the
past is of no consequence
like phantoms, ghosts in the night they
came and went without making any
lasting impression
The Ancient Art
from the depths of memory it emerges
faint at first, a whisper then louder
until it echoes through the valleys of
my mind
like a mad monk with prayer wheel
and mala beads i intone ur name and
thumb each bead counting the matras,
shifting dimensions
strange magic, censers burning, sound
and vivid images evoke ur presence
u turn your head and make eye contact
surprised to find urself in my circle, an
unwilling guest, the focus of ceremonial
i should have informed u of my abilities,
sorceries learned long ago at the feet of
Mages but rarely used to evoke a lover’s
presence; distance is no barrier for an art
that defies space and time
smoke rises from the censer like a slow-
dancing ballet, serpentine coils offer an
easy medium
shapes morph until a familiar body
appears; i wait until animation is
complete, until i feel the texture of ur
hair and skin and detect the familiar
scent of ur body, it is done
do not be perturbed by the occasional
sense of dislocation or strange thoughts
and imaginings intruding on ur mind,
they are not ur own
produced from residual energy, unfinished
business given form by secret Arts
it is not by accident you find urself in this
location, relax, ur will remains intact, i am
not a black magician
Mine for a Time
what price a pearl a lifetime of searching
fails to obtain?
what value do we place on such a prize?
something not found in the deepest sea
or the farthest reaches of space though
every possible location searched dozens
of times, how to value such an elusive
what subtle means do we employ to
unlock the gates that protect it, to
navigate the labyrinth that surrounds it?
perhaps an easy, soft approach affords
direct access, always careful not to
frighten angelic sentries, guardian
when confronted by lethal protectors,
a combination of magic words or crafted
verse allows access to secret rooms and
hidden vaults
for a fleeting moment (an eternity it
seemed) i held it in my hands and
marvelled at its exquisite beauty;
its ghostly phosphorescence, and
intoxicating magic
i remember with some difficulty now
the question i posed at the time,
“Who do you Love?”
i received a bodily response a jolt
of the entire frame, but no adequate
answer was forthcoming
how was it possible that such a
prize became convinced to dim its
hypnotic lustre, to mute its
mesmerising song?
demon trickery won the day, the
prize slipped once again from my
so near that time a torrent of verse
erupted, expressions of love and
sorrow, a gamut of emotion in
rhyme and rhapsody to mark every
minute, to measure every ecstatic
words now etched forever in time
for others to read fathom and learn;
perhaps to locate and unlock the
secret chamber and delight in life’s
a verse required, perhaps a poem
to open the portals of my soul and
set it free
do not be my jailer write your verse
on my heart again and be a Liberator
give freely that you may be filled
with joy, fulfil your desperate longing,
satisfy Life’s expectations
engrave a Love song that transmutes
existence — transform my world and
yours …
Who do You Love?
disconnect from the poisonous mass
media and nightmare world it creates
and ask yourself the most important
question of your life, who or what do
I Love?
if you hesitate or are lost for an
answer then woe is you
to live without Love is not to live at
all, it is time for You to harness the
most powerful force against fear, hate
and misery that exists, unconditional
only Love is able to eliminate All fear,
only Love is able to revive the heart
and rejuvenate/heal the soul, only Love
– nothing else –
is able to launch the Spirit heavenward
the lies, hate and poison our governments
spew daily portrays them for the vile and
murdering filth they really are – even the
blind see the horrid Truth of our deceptive
governments and the true face of the
monetary criminals that have stolen
our democracies
the solution to All our ills, personal, social,
political and environmental is all-embracing,
Love and the Harmony it necessarily creates
[only the loveless are forlorn]
whatever is able to draw out your repressed
or lost Love, focus on it with all your strength
and unlock the most powerful resource all
humanity possesses
only Love is able to turn the current global
perversity and pending catastrophes around,
You know it
whether your Love is released by a person,
family, existence, sunrises/sets, flowers,
add-infinitum, Focus on that personal
trigger and Love your heart and soul out;
Love is a limitless, replenishing resource
do not look for honey in a sewer, you will
only find shit, honey is only found in flowers
– feed on life’s exquisite ambrosia Forever
i Love You, u know it ..
we are sustained in its harmony and bliss,
cleave to your Love as a drowning man
would cling to a rescuing hand, and under
no circumstances ever let it go – let Love
shield you from the darts and snares of
Untitled Volume
you opened the secret volume of my life;
the seal is broken never to bind the covers
pages never before seen now turn in the
breeze for all to read
content/words brimming with every manner
of secret intrigue, exotica, trauma, love and
loathing, open for everyone to see
i feel like a naked dream, a violated violet,
a telephone directory in a public box
thumbed to death tattered and dog-eared
by desperate fingers searching for elusive
i had better learn fast to navigate this
unwelcome exposure, my innermost
being/thoughts exposed, strewn across
Main Street for every passer-by to inspect
but i take the alternative option, to change/
rewrite the future and by consequence
derail thematic continuity rendering all
previous ‘meaning’ meaningless, thereby
confusing identity and making the past
redundant, irrelevant, strangely familiar
but incoherent to all except me
mystery restored by stealth and textual
i already detect my past and present
turning, changing direction Freeing me
i have begun to rewrite the future,
history therefore deceived, a new
life of my own design
i am now anonymous again, a mystery
once again
Dream Weaver
i dream of you with eyes wide open
you now appear before me during
the course of my day
every second woman that passes
i mistake for you – it seems i gravely
underestimated your spell/attraction
your orb tightens, a fiery comet circling,
merging is inevitable
the silence of night is no longer able to
contain you, you have escaped my
dreams to vex my waking hours
clad in wisps laced with glistening
stellar dust, you are impossible to resist
but you forget you are entering the Sun’s
orb, nothing so close is able to escape
its gravitational attraction without being
changed forever
you have entered willingly, like a moth
you spin in ever diminishing circles,
the irresistible flame that fascinates/
captures you is Love
gambits change but with each ingress
the end is inevitable — dissolution
if you would escape my embrace do not
venture too near
if you wish to pass unscathed distance
is required
the price of intimacy is transformation,
two entities merging, becoming One
Love’s embrace knows no other way
Salute Day
the sun rises with a slow, long hum
this morning, how many suns have
i seen rising?
from the sands of Giza so long ago,
such splendour, to the south cliffs
of Bondi today, same sun/soul
but with each new day new experience,
no two risings alike, no two grains of
sand or leaves of grass the same,
nothing identical in this universe
or the next
we are born/e with each new day, We
are risen
with each new rising opportunities
offered to change anything we wish,
alter any circumstance and greet a
New dawn/Life
the true nature of existence is Flux;
allow Light to shatter illusion and
expose the static formulas of death,
of conservatism, avoid it and refresh
your soul
He rises, the Golden Phallus of the sky,
dispelling the dark, mighty Ra, eliminate
all my delusions, cast your revealing
Light on the evil machinations of men
renew/Free me, release the shadow
phantoms of my mind, cast your beams
across the mighty expanse and revive
my Soul
a warm golden, vibrating hum permeates
everything this morning ..
We have Overcome
beware little fishes and breeze-riding
words spun by the accomplished are
nets/webs, all manner of lures, weapons
and healing salves they are
reality is a servant to a well-spun phrase,
word-chains form dazzling necklaces,
exclamations pick the locks of paradise
words yoke the unwary into slavery,
beware my little pretties words both
save and ruin by design; i tug at ur
heart, entwine ur soul and capture ur
spirit, easily
words dance on ur being as invited
hands dance around ur secret places
slow-moving fingertips release
torrents of pleasure, words send
spirits soaring or terrorise entire
consummate artisans are able to span
the entire length of existence instantly,
electric kisses on ur neck and spine
the most adept and intelligent are slaves
to skilful code more so than the dull or
dense, no one is immune not even poets
we are all defenceless
culture rests on the pillars of language,
texts are the building blocks of ‘reality/
so thrill or shrill, whatever the case may
be and never forget to whose rhymes and
rhythms you dance
Needless Loses
like melodies that evade recall, words
that flow unimparted, definitions without
objects — a mouth without words lacks
consciousness cannot exist in a void,
without expression/creation there
is nothing
tearful eyes plea for intimate contact
longing to merge, seeking final
dissolution or perhaps even death
(rebirth) – a huge untapped power
resides in that small frame
but two ingredients do not make a
Bouillabaisse, more variety is required
to form a substantial base upon which
something is able to form
ur dark eyes betray sorrow, joy, a
universe of experience; every withheld
tear a wrenching tragedy, every smile
betrays a story, every sigh a hidden
yet it is her tears that flow, her loss,
her sorrow that shapes and creates her
tragedies — automatic behaviours that
needlessly rob her of joy
trained to self-crucify, trapped in a mind-
prison of culture’s making
yield to this abuse hoping you are able to
see ur learned behaviours and emerge free
of the past renewed and fresh, able to
receive the limitless joys and the beauty
that life offers
but with each attempt misinterpretation
and misplaced hatreds increases until it
becomes an evil broth, a poisonous cloud
enveloping ur life
two hands clasp, fingers intertwine drawing
bodies closer bringing beating hearts
souls already co-joined require no cumbersome
physical rituals, contact is instantaneous and
mutual, tho spontaneous awareness is rare
not every exquisite flower bears fruit or is
visited by pollinating bees; it is perhaps why
the world abounds with flowers all offering
potential fertility — all hoping to bear fruit
a mysterious force opens floodgates
when least expected, at the most
inopportune times, releasing the
entire content of mind, subconscious
and conscious, a burden far too large
for a puny mind to bear
i am drowning in my own emotions and
experiences, whoever heard of such
a thing?
twenty year memories dancing with
this afternoon’s experiences, not yet
filed or savoured — life’s most exquisite
and horrid moments in one gigantic
everything has a strange new quality,
tone, to re-experience, re-live, a
haphazard arrangement yet somehow
a discernible ordered chaos
a lone swimmer against a giant whirlpool,
about to disappear into another dimension
where perhaps this monumental load
becomes a trifling, a fleeting whimsy
we are all the sum of our experience
uncensored passions/emotions, pleasures
and pain; shit! it’s 2:39am and i’m going
down for the count (again)
there is no existence without consciousness,
a difficult statement to counter, the ruin of
sophists and a fool’s delight
it’s 3:31am, a poem completed, a lifebuoy,
a raft in a limitless, variegated See
people come and go, apparitions, a mind’s
we focus our eyes and make something
appear real
though in the end things are never any
more or less than how we are deep inside,
beyond our appearance, behaviours and
we project imagined fears, fantasies,
illusions, ideals and myriad desires
and when the looking-glass breaks or
skews only broken dreams and shattered
reflections of our many facets remain,
never to be reassembled again
Aborted Dreams
unlike ur bright arrival ur departure was
without event, almost unnoticeable, sullen,
a quiet dying without so much as a whimper
a conclusion to be avoided like a life lived
in a box, safe but lacking the joy of surprise
and wild abandon
i searched for the assassin of our dreams
[those] aborted possibilities and discovered
denial, dis-ingenuity, a lack of character/
integrity, a pathological need to manipulate
and a morbid fear of taking responsibility
for the least action, a truly untenable situation
frightened of the least commitment or real
variation u resorted to familiar, shallow
experience, tiresome hedonism, vacuous
pursuits and the safety of feeble-minded
watching you in ur current predictable,
lacklustre existence it becomes painfully
clear, the loss is all yours
it ends ‘without so much as a whimper’
Tamarama Sunset
drawn again to the healing coast track,
limitless sea and sky free the heart and
relieve the mind of heavy burdens; my
soul sets quietly with the sun
overwhelmed by the illusion of liquidity
in the sky, rippling clouds, moist as
quiet tears
O, that i would wail openly in my anguish
but a willie wagtail interrupts in song,
darting along the track from bush to bush
as i walk
i stop and fix my gaze on this energetic bird,
in response it immediately ceases its
melodious song
i turn and lift my head toward the painted
sky, the tiny bird bursts into song again,
vocalising harmoniously with the sea, sky
and fading light
heaven sent, a perfect companion — human
company offers little solace for an abused
and neglected heart
i focus again on my little companion, it
immediately ceases singing, wagging its
tail nervously from side to side
i turn and lift my eyes to the sky, awe-
struck by the bleeding light painting
moving masterpieces, flaming clouds
contrasting brooding tones set against
multiple hues of cooling blue
the wagtail bursts into happy song again,
a lesson perhaps
it may be prudent not to engage directly
but rather allow things to join the chorus
of their own accord
a man in profound solitude, a tiny bird
a melodious song, a concert of colour,
sound and wonder
people smile as they pass — the rustle of
the sea,
a bird
a man
the sky
a perfect
another Tamarama sunset
State of Play
is it just a game, a Dance?
manifesting as many facets, a plurality of
appearances, a children’s playground
‘only’ a game, my dancing, Lover/God
a game, perhaps, my consort, but never a
trifling matter — light spurts from the crown
of my head
swirl, dance and step with me; begin with
moderation and culminate in blinding
watching the cosmos swoon, pulse and
scintillate, is it just a game?
rhythmic, dancing, whirling bodies moving
in cyclic patterns, weaving time back in/on
itself forcing it to destroy and create
according to design — my eternal companion
never separate or break our embrace, allow
all things to pass without a remorseful sigh,
second glance or sad regret, it’s just a game
spawning and destroying worlds a matter of
play, a state of flux
revive urself on my supine body, raise my
trident in your spine, churn/produce ambrosia
in your sacred chalice
are we not inseparable, locked in perpetual
bliss creating and destroying worlds, together
as One?
Moving Water
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a Joy.
When actions come from another area that feeling disappears.
Don’t let others lead you. They may be blind or, worse, vultures.
Reach for the rope of Love. And what is that? Putting aside self-will!
Because of wilfulness people sit in jail, the trapped bird’s wings are tied, fish sizzle in the skillet.
The anger of police is wilfulness. You’ve seen a magistrate inflict visible punishment. Now see the invisible.
If you could leave your selfishness, you would see how you’ve been torturing your soul. We are born and live inside a black-water well.
How could we know what an open field of sunlight is? Do not insist on going where you think you want to go, ask the way to the spring.
Your living pieces will form a harmony. There is a moving palace that floats in the air with balconies and clear water flowing through, infinity everywhere, yet contained under a single tent.
From The Glance
by Coleman Barks
Whoever is loved is beautiful, though the opposite — beauty is loved — is not true.
True beauty is a facet of Love. If a being is Loved, he/she is beautiful because the part cannot be separated from the whole.
Many girls were more beautiful than Lila, but Marun did not love them. “Let us introduce these young women to you,” they said to Marun. “It’s not the form [of Lila] I Love,” Marun said. “You are focused on the cup, whereas I think only of the wine I drink from the cup. If you gave me a chalice studded with gemstones, but filled with vinegar or something other than the wine I love, of what use is that to me? A common drinking-gourd with Lila as the wine is better than a hundred precious goblets full of other liquid
A secret Freedom opens through a tiny crevice rarely seen — your Love.
You and Me
(by Olympia)
much strength,
a home,
You cared
if love were rational i would never
speak to you again …
“i don’t want u to change, i just want
u to make the effort” [to change]
for pete’s sake ..
can u not see the idiotic ‘logic’ in ur
demented statement? the word
‘exasperating’ was made for u, add
it to ur lexicon
if elegance, style and beauty were
necessary to ignite love, it would be
a very long and cold winter
if love were dependent on kindness
and consideration ur single status
would be permanent
if love required reciprocation u would
be invisible in a crowd
if dependability were essential for love
u would be feeding through a proboscis
i could go on but my exasperation
subsides and my heart softens at the
mere thought of you
i remain struck, mesmerised, completely
i want only You and i thank the stars and
sky for delivering you to me as you are —
[you maniac!]
handmade virgin paper invites
a poem
a single stroke capturing the
beginning and endlessness
of Creation
the essence of time’s labour
released by a brush-stroke
giving form/meaning to an
abstraction; creating tangible
realities, full experiences
all flowing in abundance
a single stroke that continues
forever weaving through
myriad worlds, dimensions
and emotions
never turning back, forging
ever onward/outward,
expanding constantly —
a highway that delivers
more than its initial promise
characters magically appear
on the page, vertically and
horizontally, patterns/sigils
form inviting all that seek
the rarest prize, the ultimate
challenge to try their luck
and perhaps Free themselves
no need to feel your way
in the dark simply open
your heart, eyes and see/feel
Love saturating Existence
Ecstatic Pieces
i’m a mess again in more ways
than i care to describe
i must announce to the four
corners of this world that i
Love You …
every atom of my Being quivers
as i declare it openly without
reservation [Voodoo, i have no
other explanation]
i emerged briefly from your
gravitational pull only to be
drawn back into your vortex,
black hole of my existence
sliding down, spinning into
your sea of transforming bliss,
i must surrender or risk losing
my sanity, androgynous,
fire-eyed Goddess
mere proximity triggered the
response, i am defeated gladly
losing what is left of my identity
to your sea of Ecstasy
unglued and scattered in
scintillating light throughout
the known and unknown
i am finally vanquished
completely, culminated
and You,
slayer of time and space,
mute in your thundering
silence, autistic Goddess,
only able to communicate
directly to my Soul in
sub-atomic rhapsodies
i Love You now, then and
We are One …
stepped Mayan pyramids lay in
ruins, desolate, unnervingly quiet
thriving cities have become
undergrowth, jungle again
fruit trees are bearing bitter
fruit this season, orchardists
are at a loss
ruins in Central America bear
witness to a violent past
reminding us that conflict,
bitterness and acrimony
become convenient weapons
serving only unscrupulous
leaders that utilise divisive
forces to devastate and destroy
cultures and lay waste to
entire civilisations
a slow steady climb to the top,
each stone step counting minutes,
years, centuries of pliable time;
a climbing procession to the high
priests of the Sun
the chill in your demeanour today,
pure frost, ice, an incongruence in
this tropical heat
i remember the jagged obsidian
knife, blood-curdling screams
and my pulsing heart in your
bloodied hands which you offered
to an impartial God, a gaping
wound, a cavity without a beating
heart is all that remained of my
oscillating time now finds me
offering your heart to that same
dispassionate God under which
countless atrocities have been
today only inarticulate stones,
remain as mute witnesses to
the glory that once was
i turn my face away from the
burning sun to the cool blue sky
acrimony and bitterness no longer
find a home in this renewed,
warm, beating heart
frost and ice are unable to form
or exist here
a sliced peach new moon hangs
in the sky tonight, an open hand
waiting longing for that unnamed
body to fill its void, that yearning
hollow space
a body so near yet not able to close
the gap; two heavenly bodies locked
in their respective orbits attracted
and repelled simultaneously, mutually
opposing forces maintaining their
gravitational tension
a cupped, crescent hand in the cool
winter sky above the Bay of Roses
over black, deep waters supplicating
inviting a body to save it from its
one night a fiery comet passes
offering light where once was
the moon, though glamourised by
the spectacle, is unable to seize the
opportunity or surrender to the chance
encounter; it remains locked in its
orbit, yearning endlessly
everything is etched in its place
tonight affirming that nothing can
save anything from itself
water taught me strength by first
yielding then overcoming with
persistent caresses
nothing is able to bruise water,
everything succumbs before the
relentless yielding power of soft
if you would be victorious learn to
yield then quietly and gently persist,
your enemies are vanquished
learn, to Love those that abuse and
hate you; Love is not strengthened
by ease, it is fortified in the face
of horrendous abuse
forgive those that torture you;
forgiveness would see your torturers
driven insane, destroyed physically
and psychologically
learn Freedom by first surrendering;
offer selfless service and assistance
to all beings in distress it is only
ignorance that offers resistance;
surrender releases everything held
captive whether of one’s own
making or by imposition
finally, achieve Immortality by dying
daily — the wise understand
About the Author
Lindsay Traynor is an Australian poet and mystic though born in Eastern Europe. He has travelled extensively and studied under the wise instruction of some remarkable and extraordinary men and initiated into various esoteric traditions by same, which formerly secret knowledge he is now able to share with everyone, fully cognisant of the fact that only those ready would be able to recognise, appreciate and gain awareness from the experience.
Lindsay is a prolific writer and has produced the equivalent in text of around 50-60 novels over the past sixteen years though mostly in the form of articles on varied topics and poetry, his favourite medium.
The current book has been gathered from his many poems, essays and articles relating to Self-Realisation, Mysticism, Philosophy, Personal Growth and Social Transformation.
We hope that you enjoy and derive benefit from his prodigious output as much as we have benefited and enjoyed reading, collating and presenting the material in eBook formats — assistant editors and website moderators.
Books by the Author:
Infinite Consciousness
Love and Erotic Poetry
Sun Moon Star Poetry
Nature Poetry
The Poetry of Transformation and Revolution
The Poetry of Life and Growth
Selected Essays I
Selected Essays II
Selected Essays III
Selections Mystical Prose and Poetry I
Selections Mystical Prose and Poetry II
Selections Mystical Prose and Poetry III
Selections Mystical Prose and Poetry IV
Selections Mystical Prose and Poetry V
The Dragon’s Egg Prose and Poetry of Experience and Liberation
Plumage Poems of Inspiration Growth Revolution and Freedom
Rejected Poetry Book I
Rejected Poetry Book II
Selected Articles and Poetry Volume I
Selected Articles and Poetry Volume II
Book cover, Winged Serpent by tiger tyger